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EUROGRADUATE Survey of Graduates

The EUROGRADUATE project 2022 measures educational paths and professional careers of higher education graduates in 17 European countries. Statistics Austria is assigned by the Federal Ministriy of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) to implement the project in Austria. Funding is partially provided by the Erasmus+ program of the European Commission. The international lead of the project is carried out by the German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW) as well as the Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS). 

The project's objective is to collect the experiences of higher education graduates during their studies and the impact on their professional lives and their lives as European citizens. The main topics of the survey are: 

  • Characteristics of their study programme
  • skills acquired
  • modes of learning
  • international mobility
  • labour market outcomes
  • political attitudes and political participation
  • social background
  • and health status

All participating organisations are comitted to high data security. The survey is conducted in line with the requirements of the European general Data Protection Regulation (DSVGO), as well as the § 13 Bundesgesetz über die Dokumentation im Bildungswesen (Bildungsdokumentationsgesetz 2020 – BilDokG 2020) (BGBl. I Nr. 20/2021 idgF) and the § 23 Abs. 2 Bundesstatistikgesetz 2000 (BGBl. I Nr. 163/1999 idgF). 

Further information is provided in our data privacy information. 

Participation in the EUROGRADUATE survey is voluntary. However, to ensure good data quality high participation is essential. 

The survey is interested in graduates from two years of graduation: the academic year 2016/17 and 2020/21. Questionning all graduates is not feasible due to time and resouce constraints. Therefore, a sample of graduates was drawn, that matches the entirity of graduates as best as possible. The selection was drawn at random, to ensure that everyone has the same chance to be surveyed. 

The EUROGRADUATE survey is conducted between october 2022 and january 2023. 

If you are interested in the results or further information on EUROGRADUATE, please also visit the project's homepage at

Eurograduate Phone: +43 1 711 28-8993 Available on weekdays from 9.00 am–4.00 pm
Last updated on 2024-01-25.
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